Sunday, May 01, 2011

ETUDE HOUSE nail polish review

Hey there!:0 since I'm feeling veeery hardworking today, I'll start a review on the Etude House nail Polish My boyfriend bought me yesterday..:)

One is in PP6 (the purple one) and PK012 (the pink one)

For the PP6
I really commend how one coat of it is already very thick in comparison with the pink one. 2 coats would give you the color the container has! :) It's very vibrant and reminds me of the local UBE flavor..LOL!:))

Color 5/5
Coverage 4.5/5
Consistency 3/5 ( a bit too thick for my liking)

For the PK012
The color is really nice. Reminds me of the lip color I have from etude!:) the down side is that you needed to put 3-4 coats of nail polish to get the color in the container. It also dries slower than  the purple one..:(

Color 5/5
Coverage 3/5
Consistency 4/5

Thats it! look out for my next posts!:)


  1. I like the pink nail color ^__^ looks really pretty (: great review btw ;D

  2. Great review! :) BTW, I tagged you here:

  3. @ sandy thank you! so much for the nice comment!:)

    @jesroque OMG hahaha..have no one to tag..:)) I PHAIL! :))
